Monday, June 16, 2014

Problem 1, What happened to the passion?

It was more then 34 years ago when the greatest upset in sports history happened, thats right 1980 United States Olympic Hockey Team defeating Russia. Theres no doubt that the team worked extremely hard to accomplish this goal. The passion in this team was unreal, you will never see a team like this one. So what happened? players egos is what happened. More and more players are just getting to wrapped up in everything else but the game there playing. Not to disrespect any player, but theres just not any chemistry with some teams. Lets take my Detroit Lions for example, Guys not showing for training camp and players "not caring" if there option gets picked up next. They don't care about there team and more about them selfs which is not the way a team works and is truly killing sports. Steve Garvey once said "The difference between the old ball player and the new ball player is the jersey. The old ball player cared about the name on the front. The new ball player cares about the name on the back." This is becoming more and more true and couldn't agree more with this. What are your thoughts? feel free to comment below and intill problem 2, Stay safe. Remember to checkout clixsense!

Purpose of this blog?

On this blog I would like to express views and opinions that make sports not what it use to be. I will be going though many topics and issues that make sports somewhat "unwatchable". Anyone with any topics they would like to discussed feel free to email them and lets have a debate. Just trying to do my part and make sports a better thing for everyone.